Things have been a bit on the heavy side here at The Children Of The Revolution for the past month or so, which is the nature of the beast. We deal typically with serious issues here and address them in a (usually) serious manner. That being the case (and as the only item in the news worth reporting is this), I’m taking a day off from all of it and publishing an inconsequential fluff piece. Deal with it.
Those of you who know me are certainly aware that I love film and have what may or may not be an unhealthy obsession with it. I consider myself a snob in only two areas: beer and movies. I like to think that I have refined tastes in both, though I’ll openly admit that I loved Homeward Bound: The Incredible Journey (shut up) and indulge in the occasional Pabst Blue Ribbon.
But while I love movies, I find that I despise Hollywood and its culture. It isn’t just the ubiquitous, poorly reasoned liberalism loudly espoused by most of the city’s more notable denizens, but the culture of superficiality, unaccountability, and selfishness. Oh, and the fact that 90% of the city’s residents seem to think that making movies about talking Chihuahuas or time travel is a good idea. But getting back to the liberalism, the assumption is that everyone working in film is a liberal. And generally that assumption is correct. However, there are a handful of conservatives and even libertarians in the film industry that have either come out of the closet or been dragged out kicking and screaming (to what they fear is the detriment of their career). Granted, I don’t know any of them personally or the full extent of their political views, but based upon specific comments that they’ve made or that have been made about them, it’s reasonable to assume that they’re either conservatives or libertarians (whether they seem to know it or now). Much to their horror, I’d like to recognize them here today. Like I said, total fluff.
Those of you who know me are certainly aware that I love film and have what may or may not be an unhealthy obsession with it. I consider myself a snob in only two areas: beer and movies. I like to think that I have refined tastes in both, though I’ll openly admit that I loved Homeward Bound: The Incredible Journey (shut up) and indulge in the occasional Pabst Blue Ribbon.
But while I love movies, I find that I despise Hollywood and its culture. It isn’t just the ubiquitous, poorly reasoned liberalism loudly espoused by most of the city’s more notable denizens, but the culture of superficiality, unaccountability, and selfishness. Oh, and the fact that 90% of the city’s residents seem to think that making movies about talking Chihuahuas or time travel is a good idea. But getting back to the liberalism, the assumption is that everyone working in film is a liberal. And generally that assumption is correct. However, there are a handful of conservatives and even libertarians in the film industry that have either come out of the closet or been dragged out kicking and screaming (to what they fear is the detriment of their career). Granted, I don’t know any of them personally or the full extent of their political views, but based upon specific comments that they’ve made or that have been made about them, it’s reasonable to assume that they’re either conservatives or libertarians (whether they seem to know it or now). Much to their horror, I’d like to recognize them here today. Like I said, total fluff.

Best Role: Tom Hagen, The Godfather, Parts I & II
Worst Role: Otto Halliwell, Gone In Sixty Seconds
Duvall has been one of the most outspoken conservatives in Hollywood. He has criticized some of the studio executives for what he considered hypocritical liberalism, referring to Steven Spielberg frequently. He supported the McCain/Palin ticket and was a very vocal opponent of Barack Obama.

Best Role: William Munny, Unforgiven
Worst Role: Pilo Beddoe, Every Which Way But Loose
Clint Eastwood seems to have become the symbol of libertarianism in Hollywood. He has been a registered Republican since 1951 and was elected the Mayor of Carmel-by-the-Sea, CA in 1986. He says his political philosophy is “Everyone leaves everyone else alone.” Right on.

Best Role: John McClane, Die Hard series
Worst Role: Mikey, Look Who’s Talking
Rumors have flown about wildly regarding Willis’ political orientation, and it’s been assumed that he’s a Republican by many. Willis himself, however, has said, “I'm sick of answering this ******* question. I'm a Republican only as far as I want a smaller government, I want less government intrusion. I want them to stop ******** on my money and your money and tax dollars that we give 50 percent of... every year. I want them to be fiscally responsible and I want these ******* lobbyists out of Washington. Do that and I'll say I'm a Republican... I hate the government, OK? I'm apolitical. Write that down. I'm not a Republican.” He is also a firm believer in gun rights.
So he may not be a Republican but he sure as **** sounds like a conservative/libertarian.
Best Role: Lester Diamond, Casino
Worst Role: Jack Crow, John Carpenter’s Vampires
You may know him as the namesake of Quahog’s “James Woods High School” on the show Family Guy. Woods became a self-described libertarian following September 11, 2008. He was a vocal supporter of Rudy Guiliani during his primary presidential campaign and fought hard to play the former New York mayor in a made-for-TV movie. He eventually backed the McCain/Palin ticket. I

Best Role: Billy, Easy Rider
Worst Role: Tie between Deacon, Waterworld / John Canyon, Space Truckers
Ironically, the long-time, ardent liberal from the iconic film Easy Rider converted to conservatism later in life and has been a supporter of George W Bush. However, he reportedly stated on Election Day this year that he was voting for Obama because of McCain’s choice of Sarah Palin as his VP. I

Best Role: Norman Stansfield, Leon: The Professional
Worst Role: Baron Ruber, Quest for Camelot
One of my favorite actors, Oldman raised hell over the final cut of the film The Contender, in which his portrayal of a conservative US Senator was edited into a simplistic, villainous role. He has been described by many, including his agent, as a conservative.

Best Role: Tie between Terence Mann, Field of Dreams / Darth Vader, Star Wars series
Worst Role: Earnest Moses, The Meteor Man
Says Jones, a long-time member of the NRA, “The world is filled with violence. Because criminals carry guns, we decent law-abiding citizens should also have guns. Otherwise they will win and the decent people will lose.” While he is private about his political views, I personally attended a speech of his in which he advocated for greater individual responsibility, limited government and less self-imposed division along ethnic lines.

Best Role: Mitch Leary, In the Line of Fire
Worst Role: Galbatorix, Eragon
Malkovich is a strong supporter of the death penalty and a self-described atheist libertarian. According to Wikipedia, Malkovich hosted a champagne party when serial killer John Wayne Gacy was executed in 1994. So he’s basically as strange in real life as we all think he is. Delightful.

Best Role: Jeremy Grey, Wedding Crashers
Worst Role: Fred Claus, Fred Claus
Owen Wilson outed his Wedding Crashers co-star in this USA Today piece. Vaughn voiced his support for Rudy Guiliani during his primary presidential campaign but has otherwise remained relatively quiet about his politics.

Best Role: Jenny Hanley, 10
Worst Role: Jane Parker, Tarzan, the Ape Man
Bo Derek is an outspoken conservative who supported both Bushes. She is a staunch defender of gun rights and is a frequent participant in the USO tours to entertain the troops.

Best Role: Debra Barone, Everybody Loves Raymond
Worst Role: Woman Fan, Space Jam
Heaton is a very active conservative and member of the Feminists for Life organization (which also counts Sarah Palin among its ranks), which opposes abortion, euthanasia and the death penalty. She is also an advocate for gay rights. Ah, the glorious, patchwork tapestry that is conservatism.

Best Role: Abbie Carmichael, Law & Order
Worst Role: Ryan McBride, Baywatch Nights
Model/actress Angie Harmon is a long-time conservative and appeared at numerous events for George W Bush and John McCain. She appeared alongside fellow conservative and one-time presidential candidate Fred Thompson on TV’s Law & Order.
So there it all is, for what it's worth. Maybe some day I'll tell you about the conservatives in the music industry (not just country), like Marilyn Manson. No, seriously.
*Hyperlink count for this article: 45
*Hyperlink count for this article: 45
These are all men. What about women?
Right you are, Margaret. Will update shortly.
I'm glad to see that there are some reasonable people in Hollywood, but I'm not sure I agree with your movie choices.
Robert Duvall: The Apostle or The Great Santini
John Malkovich: Being John Malkovich
Dennis Hopper: Blue Velvet
Gary Oldman was awesome in The Professional
I agonized over the Duvall choice and was seriously debating making it a tie between Tom Hagen (Godfather) and Sonny Dewey (The Apostle). "Being John Malkovich" was a phenomenal performance, but I just personally enjoyed his turn as Mitch Leary a more. You're right though, with some of these guys (very gifted actors as well as conservatives), it's hard to choose a best performance.
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