While I enjoy expounding here as much as the rest of us, I invite you to opine with me to a new forum: Congress.
Ask these fine statesmen, compelled by their duties so outlined in our constitution, to carry your words to Capitol Hill:
Senator George Voinovich
US Senator for the State of Ohio
Congressman Patrick Tiberi
Representative for Ohio’s 12th District
Ben, you may be a little far south putting you in the 15th District… why don’t you give a ring to…
Congresswoman Deborah Pryce
Representative for Ohio’s 15th District
For those manning our Cincinnati office, I believe you will wish to speak with…
Congresswoman Jeannette Marie Hoffman Schmidt
Representative for Ohio’s 2nd District
Perhaps your voice will be heard. Perhaps a delicate pink “While you were out” memo generated by your call will make its way to Washington. Perhaps not. You could do nothing and just let things play out, but I don’t think a phone call is all that much to ask. Tell your kids you did your part in staving off the socialist revolution.
Good luck comrades… may your lines not be busy.
1 comment:
I take back my last comment. I hope the lines are busy. Busy with calls of rightous indignation.
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